Introduction to C/C++ Programming

A C/C++ program is a collection of commands, which
tell the computer to do "something". This collection of commands is usually called C++ source code.

C/C++ seems to be a strange name for a programming language . But this strange sounding language is one of the most popular language today.

C was invented by Dennis Ritchie in 1972 and it was developed UNIX operating system. Later Bjarne
Stroustrup in 1979 started to work with 'C with Classes' (which is now known as C++). The first commercial release occurred in October 1985 and in 1983, the name of the language was changed from C with Classes to C++.

C/C++ primarily used for creating system software. However as it gained popularity it also began to be used for general purpose programming. Today, C and C++ both have proven themselves to be as versatile as they are powerful. :D

In short this is the history of C and C++. If anyone wants to read further you can read THE HISTORY OF C or THE HISTORY OF C++ . And the newbies can take a look at the FAQ page for other programming related question .
That's all for today. See you later . :)

References :
1) Teach Yourself C, by- Herbert Schildt .
2) Programming in ANSI C, by-E Balagurusamy