Introduction to Programming

Long long ago, people used to calculate using only pen and paper, the way you learned at school. But to solve a big mathematical problem, they had to spend a lot of time. In 1812, Charles Babbage thought why not make a 'tool' that helps people to do the calculation easily? He started to work on it. And after a lots of hard work, he was able to make a machine that can calculate. Now a days you can take your calculator in the pocket but back then, it wasn't possible. Charles Babbage's calculator was 8ft tall and the weight was about 15 tons! After 100 years later,during the world war, the Allies realize they need a faster method to decipher the enemy messages. Sir Alan Turing invented a machine that helped the allies to decipher the code. You can call that is the great great grandfather of modern computer.

How does a computer work?

Okay, so you get the idea how computer is invented. Now the big question is how does a computer work? Simple answer is via programming. Programming is the way to tell computer what to do. Your operating system, itune- that you use to listen to the music, the apps on your android phone- everything is a program. When you open itune, it tells the computer how to play music, when you open your browser, it tells computer how to browse web pages. Every program is unique.

What is a programming language exactly?

Programming is nothing but telling the stupid computer what to do step by step. Computer doesn't understand English, Arabic, French or any other language. We use 'programming language' to tell computer what to do. There are lots of programming languages like: FORTRAN, C, C++, python, Java etc. To solve different types of problem people uses different languages.
If you are a beginner to programming, I suggest you start with python. Why? Because it's extremely user friendly and also easy to understand. But once you understand the basics, you will be able to use the same logic for other programming languages as well. For the series "Programming: Beginner to Boss" I will mainly use python. But for "Algorithm: Fun with programming" section, I am planning to use several languages (C++, Python, Java, R...etc). There you will see how all language use the same logic to solve a problem.

John Doe
December 7, 2020



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...o programming, I suggest you s
..o programming, I suggest you s.
..o programming, I suggest you s.
.o programming, I suggest you s..
In this blog I mainly focus on Here I won't focus on any specific language but discuss the main idea about programming and use the examples for c, c++, python and java. Once you get the idea, you will be able to code in any programming language. With the example I will also add an online compiler so that you can run the code and understand the logic behind it. If you have any questions feel free to let me know.